Payday Loans Attorney Columbus Ohio
Do You Want to Stop the Automatic Payments on Your Payday Loan?
The Columbus, Ohio, attorneys at Jump Legal understand that emergencies come up where you need money now. Payday loans are a common way to get cash fast in order to pay rent, utilities, car payments, or unexpected bills.
The reason that you see so many ads on television for payday loan companies is because it is a very lucrative business for them. People with payday loans have a hard time when they are unable to quickly repay their debt and they are charged expensive additional fees. If you get caught in the payday loan cycle for a long time it can be very expensive and create more financial problems.
When you enter into a payday loan agreement, the payday loan business is not the only one who has rights. So do you. Our law firm helps our clients understand all of their legal rights, not just the ones that the loan company wants them to know.
We Can Help Stop Your Payday Loan Now by Filing Bankruptcy
The consumer loan lawyers at Jump Legal can apply the seemingly complicated bankruptcy rules for payday loans to your unique circumstances and obtain positive results.
Attorneys Who Can Help Eliminate Your Payday Loan Debt
Our legal team understands the complex rules and laws for payday loans because we have committed our practice to bankruptcy and its alternatives. Our founding lawyer, Mark Jump, has spent years studying and practicing bankruptcy laws to help clients free themselves from burdensome and unfair debt, including payday loans.
Because each person is different, the facts of each payday loan case will be different. We understand, therefore, that the difference between a successful bankruptcy and a botched bankruptcy is the attention we give to each individual client. This individually-tailored legal advice often means that our clients come to think of us as “their” law firm and refer their friends and loved ones to us when they face their own payday loan difficulties.
Helping You Put Yourself Back in the Financial Driver’s Seat
If you want to stop your payday loans, call the Columbus, Ohio, lawyers at Jump Legal. We can help get rid of your debt and change your life; but you can’t change your financial future until you start the process. Contact us today to schedule a free initial consultation; you will always speak with an attorney and all communications remain confidential.
Contact Jump Legal Group
Columbus, Ohio 43215
Phone: (614) 481-4480 | Fax: (614) 696-6481